educator of the year

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The American Legion members passed a resolution at the 2010 Department Convention, that joint recognition with The American Legion Auxiliary, be given each year to those who teach our kids. How fitting it is that it be the new Educator of the Year Award.
“Our hope for the future is that educators will continue to instill in our children the aims and purposes of The American Legion family,” said Vic DeSloover, who serves as a Member of the National Americanism Commission, and is a liaison to the National Commission on Youth Education. “These educators have a unique opportunity within our schools where members don’t or can’t go, to distribute information to students about our many programs, such as the Oratorical and Flag Essay Contests.”
Each District in The American Legion of Iowa and the Legion Auxiliary will work together to select one educator from their District. The District Commander and District President will select a committee of two or three educators from their District to assist in the judging.
District Commander and President will endorse their finalist, and forward the nomination on to Department headquarters, to be received not later than April 1, where top educators will help name the Department Educator of the Year.
Nomination guidelines that can be utilized by Posts to make recommendations are available by clicking on the Educator of the Year Brochure link above.
The Department “Educator of the Year” that is chosen from the nine District finalists, will be invited to attend the Department Convention.